Customize your ClassiPress emails easily from the WordPress admin dashboard without the need to edit any source code.
Tag: AppThemes

Add good looking html template to WordPress emails
Add good looking html template to emails.

Notify your ClassiPress users about pending purchases
This plugin actually works for all AppThemes premium themes.
The plugin will send reminder emails about pending orders that were not completed.

Allow users to extend ClassiPress ads for a discounted price
A new plugin for ClassiPress to give your users a discount price for extending their ads.
The plugin will also send a reminder email before the expiration.
AppThemes ClassiPress plugins
I started creating plugins for premium themes by AppThemes.
Currently I have published plugins for ClassiPress only.
Bump Ad, Infinity Scroll, Related Ads, Ribbons, Ad Social.
you can find them all here.
If you’re using a premium theme by AppTheme and need a mod or a plugin then you are welcome to contact me.