Keyboard Indicator is an easy to use indicator for the Num Lock, Caps Lock, Scroll Lock and Insert keys. This utility is especially useful for those who do not have keyboard leds and/or still wants an on-screen notification.
Requirements: .NET Framework version 2.0
License: GPLv3
OS: WinXP / Vista / 7 / 10
Download Keyboard Indicator v1.6.2.0
Changes: - Fix startup registry key - Added option to show or hide osd border - Fix showing osd on virtual desktops - Update icons - Update defaults font and colors - Fix updating startup registry

Works great in Windows 10!
me too
v1.6.2.0 works great for me on Win 10! Thanks!!
works with WINDOWS 10 ! Thanks
bullshit, it stops working every 5 mins in win10 and you have to close and restart the app
Hi, I’m actually on win10 and everything is ok for me. The notification just stops working for you? If closing the app the normal way works then the app is responding so maybe you have other app taking over the notification or key listening.
Works fine on Win10 here, no problem at all. The guy get some free stuff and have no minimal education to the person who give him in exchange for what he gets for free. I never fail to be amazed by the lack of respect some people are able to show.
Could you please just put a few extra pixels underneath the text. The background bar is has more free space above the text than beneath it – creating a very unbalanced effect which just drives me nuts!
Also, it would just be super if you could add the ability to remove the background bar so that just the text can show, or…OR you could make it so it adjusts its color and transparency according to the current Windows Theme.
Mabey you can add the ability to use an image file to appear rather than text, so we can custom design our own icons to indicate the caps, num or scroll lock state.
Trust me I would have done this myself but my knowledge coding barely stretches beyond Scratch, so If you can create a update with the features included above I and possibly many more people would appreciate it allot.
thanks for the comment. i’ll take a look about the pixels. I’ll also check about implementing custom images instead of using a text. I got little busy lately so it might take some time.
Great little addon. My new laptop doesn’t have the NumLock indicator, so this is great for me.
My wishlist would be an option to change the sound file to my own choice, and to set its volume. The default (Windows?) file is a little harsh for my taste and too loud. A soft gentle “ding” would be nice.
Thanks for a very useful little app.
Hello, congratulations for the software.
I have a problem on a PC with Windows 8.1 64-bit
I put the software:
C: \ Program Files (x86)
and added option “Start with windows”, but at startup, not start, I checked the registry key and is correct.
How to solve?
please try to use ccleaner utility to add the exec to startup.
Thanks for your reply,
i have renamed the folder in “Keyboard-Indicator” and correct manually the reg key:
“KeyboardIndicator”=”\”C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Keyboard-Indicator\\KeyboardIndicator.exe\” ”
now it’s ok
I currently use this in conjunction with Soarer’s Converter and an old IBM terminal keyboard (pic –
It works great, with the only modifications I made being a vertical layout, smaller font, black background and a little less opacity.
In my somewhat unique situation, I have also defined other keys which function similarly to NumLock in order to enable the additional functions seen on this keyboard.
My potential feature request entails somehow adding the ability for the program to detect other [legacy] key states from older keyboards like SELECT_1, FN1 etc. This request may be *way* outside the scope of what you did/are doing, but I thought I might mention it just in case.
Nice, thank you.
My computer has no speaker for the Windows “Toggle Keys” feature to be useful.
I tried a program the kept “LEDs” on the screen for status, but it wasn’t so helpful.
I set your program to display a large, momentary alert in the middle of the screen if and only if Capslock is turned on or Numlock is turned off.
This is better than the Windows “Toggle Keys” feature because it lets me know only about the inadvertent changes I care about.
Well done!
Most Awesome!
I have been trying for weeks now, to find out how to turn on the “on-screen display” for CapsLock et al, in my new WinX HP Envy laptop, {this functionality was available in Win8x} to no avail… then I found out about your little app here from a review {} and I absolutly got what I was looking for !!!
I also love the “customizability” and would only ask for the ability to choose my own sounds, either from built-in windows or my own – you could restrict to size and file type if necessary.
I might also suggest keyOFF colors, in SysTray, be set to some level of gray {or your light reddish one is fine}, and keyON be set to a bright green imho… or, make their color customizable if possible ???
And maybe a checkbox to turn on/off each of the indicators in the SysTray since some newer computers have an led in the CapsLock key and don’t even have a key for Scroll Lock … mine does’t. But I {and MANY others} surely NEED a NumbsLock indicator – and Your’s is THE *B E S T* !!!
Hi Matthew,
Thanks for the feedback.
I’ll check about your suggestions. As for disabling indicators, you can disable the osd message by leaving its text blank and choose to hide the icon from the systray from the systray options as its a builtin option in Windows. About numlock indicator – it is available.
Thanks for develop this useful tool, in new notebooks without lights indicators, this is a MUST HAVE tool, i’ll recommend it, THANK YOU!!
Hi Roi. Great app. One quick question. We need to become complaint on HIPPA with this computers and the “powers that be” in IT land don’t understand that this application is NOT a keylogger (even though the antivirus says it is.” Unfortunately, I have to remove the application, but cannot find any uninstall options in Add/Remove Programs (or Programs & Features – whatever they call it now).
Any ideas?
There is no real installation so you only need to stop the app and delete it’s folder.
Hi Roi,
This is a very good app. I just want add another suggestion for Caps Lock button. If the Caps Lock is ON the letter becomes ‘A’ (upper case) and if it OFF becomes ‘a’ (lower case).
Thank you.
Great APP Roi. What are the the allowed settings for Location “Manual”? (The “0. 0”)
Many thanks, Garth
anything for X,Y on the screen. you can just drag and drop the example osd.
“application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy. To grant this app the required permission, contact your systems admin, or use the Microsoft .NET Framework Configuration tool”…
What gives? Use to work perfectly on my Windows7 laptop up till yesterday when it stopped working, and on trying to re-install, I get the above message. Can you help, or should I just give up? It is/was an amzinglittle app that I loved!
I’m not familiar with this error. maybe you use a work-place laptop and something is restricting you.
I’m also getting the same Microsoft .NET Framework error message on start-up of my laptop on Win 7 (64 Bit).
I also can’t see this app listed in “Programs & Features”.
How can this problem be solved?
If you use a work place laptop you should ask the IT. I’m not familiar with this error.
The util doesn’t add itself to programs & features. you just delete it’s folder when you don’t want it anymore.
Hi Roi, thank you for your prescious utility, on most wireless keyboard status leds are missing, so your program is a great solution.
I have a problem as I work with some 3d printers quite loud, I so would need to modify the audio signal or at least its volume.
I just solved the problem setting the volume with the windows 10 mixer. Thank you.
thank you Roi for this great tool
i want to know if is it possible to hide taskbar icons and just notify with an on-screen message?
Hi Kamil, there is no such option inside the tool but if you are on Windows7/10 then you can make the icons hidden from the taskbar properties.
Report on Windows 10 (anniversary edition I think), on Asus ROG. It’s work flawlessly. I use it because couldn’t find any indicator for NumLock activation. Bonus for Insert key status, it’s really helps when writing. Thank you for this program.
Excellent job. It was a life-saver.
Netframe error messageon windows-10 startup:
See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.
************** Exception Text **************
System.Security.SecurityException: Requested registry access is not allowed.
at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.OpenSubKey(String name, Boolean writable)
at KeyboardIndicator.KeyboardIndicator.removeFromStartup()
at System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox.OnCheckedChanged(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox.set_CheckState(CheckState value)
at KeyboardIndicator.KeyboardIndicator.loadSettings()
at KeyboardIndicator.KeyboardIndicator.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl(Boolean fIgnoreVisible)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmShowWindow(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
The Zone of the assembly that failed was:
************** Loaded Assemblies **************
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.8745 (WinRel.050727-8700)
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework64/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Extras/KeyboardIndicator_1.6.1.0/KeyboardIndicator.exe
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.8745 (WinRel.050727-8700)
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.8750 (QFE.050727-8700)
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.8745 (WinRel.050727-8700)
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Extras/KeyboardIndicator_1.6.1.0/SimpleOSD.DLL
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Extras/KeyboardIndicator_1.6.1.0/KeyHook.DLL
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.8745 (WinRel.050727-8700)
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Configuration/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.8745 (WinRel.050727-8700)
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/
************** JIT Debugging **************
To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this
application or computer (machine.config) must have the
jitDebugging value set in the section.
The application must also be compiled with debugging
For example:
When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception
will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer
rather than be handled by this dialog box.
thanks for the report. I think I found the issue and fixed it. Can you try v1.6.2.0 ?
Could you add ability to use own tray icon?
Be great if when a ‘key’ was enabled the icon turned bright green rather than pink.
how to unistall?
Just delete the folder.
Very good.
Hi, i´m using this usefull tool in my notebook, but in taskmanager startup tab show high impact in system startup.
The app is light and tiny, why have high impact in startup?
I don’t see any high impact on startup. What do you notice? High cpu from the process? Do you have more info maybe?
Love this app! Downloaded it today for the “Caps Lock” option so that’s all I’ve used. Works perfectly and will save me lots of aggravation when filling in passwords. Thanks so much!
Perfect, THANK YOU!
At last a sensible toggle keys indicator. I want to know when …
CapsLock is ON
NumLock is OFF
Without some sought of help pdf/online (?) it took a while to grasp it
Is not always on top, I use “DeskPins” to make individual files on top.
Indicator is too high for Calibri Bold 12pt
– the Example during settings is a good height, but does not occur in real-world use.
– there is almost enough room for another line of text in the indicator “box”
When both my preferred CapsLock ON and NumLock OFF are visible, they overlap (vertically)
Win-7 PRO x64
Lenovo ThinkPad e540
hi russell,
I can’t reproduce the issue you mention that you have overlap msgs vertically.
as for the font. you can choose another font in the settings. i dont see any issue with the default font.
as for the top most. not sure what I can do to make it above other “top most” stuff.
ICONS TRAY REMOVE Option should be added
I agree. There should be an option to show all three icons, reduce the three icons to one icon or to hide them completely. Nevertheless it’s a great piece of software. From all software-based indicators I tried this was the most appealing and responding one. Good work!
You can hide the icons in the tray settings.
I actually do that and show only the caps lock icon.
I was over-again reminded that the keyboard LED was a good reference for me. I have been reminded of this a number of times until I found your tray-app. Thank you.
PLEASE port this app for ANDROID! I just bought a Logitech K-810 Bluetooth keyboard, complete with backlight, CAPS LOCK KEYLIGHT and all the fancy sensors, to go with my LG Stylo 2, running the latest 7.0 (Nougat) OS. It also has Android Open Office for business. The keyboard pairs up and types just like the wired keyboard on my Windows XP desktop. UNFORTUNATELY, their software (and yours) to enable the light (and battery level) are available ONLY FOR WINDOWS! I would appreciate whatever you could do to remedy this problem.
Thank you.
Great little program!
My Windows 7 Pro x64 will only ever play a caps lock beep on the reboot following a security update…and falls silent thereafter. I’ve given up trying to track down the source of this annoying bug, and settled instead on a third-party app. Thing is, many of them still won’t play a sound – and those that do tend to be rather laggy.
This program seems to be the speediest, and it has the smallest footprint.
A small suggestion? Custom sounds would be nice but probably a pain to implement – but a slightly different pitch (higher for on, lower for off) with the inbuilt sounds would be really useful.
thanks for the suggestions. I’m currently pretty busy but if I’ll have time I’ll look into that custom sound option.
I think you can change it currently using PE explorer and replace the sound file in the exe file.
Though it will still be the same sound for on/off.
Maybe the best !
Excellent job on this program so far. One modification / addition i would suggest is to allow end user to either use built in sounds OR select there own external sound files. At the very least it would be VERY good if the on and off key sounds were different !
OH and unless i am missing something in the settings, also allow the user the choice to show / not show the icons in the system area. Thanks
My Asus ROG has no light indicator so I don’t know if my CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK OR SCROLL LOCK are turned on.
Thank you so much for this! Cheers from Toronto!
Hey I really liked your program, but when I tried to turn off the sound and put it on the Upper Right corner it duplicated, one in the upper right and the bottom right, and the sound is still on
Well don’t mind me, I just reseted and it’s workinf fine now 😛
This is absolutely fantastic- well done! Earlier today I searched all over the web for an alternative to something Microsoft really should offer by this point (at least, something that is relatively easy to configure), as well as other third-party hardware manufacturers I will spare for the time being. But it is embarrassing when key leaders in the industry can’t offer a simple solution that will notify me if my Num Lock is turned off/on. I recently purchased a new, mechanical keyboard. It was relatively affordable and feels fantastic. The only major problem is, they didn’t include a light on the keyboard that indicates whether Num Lock is turned off or on. I checked their website for any drivers or programs that may give me that functionality, but alas, I could find no such tool. Similarly, the manufacturer of my laptop didn’t include any add-ons that would work with my new hardware. I will admit I was, at first, slightly disappointed with my purchase. The lack of a built-in light indicator for the Num Luck function is a very serious flaw, even despite the affordability of the part.
I am actually very much enjoying it a lot more now thanks to the developer of this nifty tool. Now, I have that sense of comfortability with the fact that I can actually check what state my Num Lock is in. The Caps Lock indicator is fantastic, and although I do not actually need it… I kinda like it. It may even replace the indicator my laptop manufacturer included. I will admit I’m not that crazy about the sound effect, but if I disable it, this thing is beastly.
Bravo. Keep working on this, and make it even BETTER.
Fantastic app. I don’t use the sound simply because it’s too loud. The only problem I’m experiencing is that it doesn’t start with windows even though I’ve set it to do so in settings. The only way that I can get it to work is by clicking to install the programme then click run in the dialog box and hay presto, the dialog box disappears and the programme runs perfectly to the settings that I’ve made in the settings box (font, size etc.). Any suggestions please?
I’m using Windows 7 Pro. 64 bit i5 CPU with 12GB of ram
If you’re still experiencing issue with auto start with Windows setting try CCleaner utility to add manaully the tool to start with Windows.
Do you get any error from using the setting in the app?
My keyboard indicator Do not restart
I have CCleaner pro and have done now
checked with Shift +Ctrl +Esc and found it is done.
But now will check after restart of computer
Coming again
I have been replying when power went due to windstorm and somewhere a tree may have fell.
CCleaner working properly loaded in processes also.
But on running fresh Keybd Mon got entry in but nothing elsewhere in Processes & App History.
Yesterday I acted as you say but waiting your reply why it do not restart with windows start.?
HI Abdul,
I didn’t understand the question. is it my the tool setting is not working and you need to use ccleaner? I have no answer to that. for some people the utility maybe fails to add the registry key needed. could be work permissions for the current user.
if ccleaner worked for you then its only a one time setup and you can uninstall ccleaner if you dont need it.
Your comment”
April 2, 2018 at 9:35 pm
If you’re still experiencing issue with auto start with Windows setting try CCleaner utility to add manaully the tool to start with Windows.
Do you get any error from using the setting in the app? )
Read after that my replies I tried to give you informatio about Keboard behavior.
It does not start with windows start in spite of I confirm by all ways I can
Then what?
sorry but if also with ccleaner you cannot get it to start with Windows startup I don’t know what else to check. if the startup entry is in the registry it should work.
Want to download and install your keyboard indicator, what folder should I expand it to.
you can extract to anywhere you like. e.g. c:\keyboardindicator\
This software was exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much!
Hi, I have just had an automatic update to WIndows 10 on my laptop, and since then the keyboard indicator dows not work. (9th June 2018) – any ideas?
you’ll have to give more details. I use Windows 10 and its working fine for me.
This is the most awesome, small and nice application I have seen. It works so well. Thank you very much. 🙂
keyboard indicator unfortunately will not run if you modify settings with an active regional profile in windows using other values than the U.S. default. As I use German settings for date, time and number formats after modifying the settings of Keyboard Indicator the according values in “KeyboardIndicator.exe.config” read:
Calibri; 20,25pt instead of Calibri, 20.25pt
0,9 instead of 0.9
0; 0 instead of 0, 0
Localized Windows 10 settings for German language as follows:
Decimal symbol , (comma)
Digit grouping symbol . (period)
Digit grouping 123.456.789 (with periods)
List separator ; (semicolon)
Without taking this into account SimpleODS.dll will not be displayed and all settings lead to bad surprises.
Fixing this would help a lot. My workaround: I changed the settings according to my preferences, saved and closed the running Keyboard Indicator. Edited the localized format in “KeyboardIndicator.exe.config”. Finally I changed its file flag to ReadOnly. It works
Thanks in any case for this nice little software.
when i download that it forms into zip file. please tell me how to run it in my zorin os
what is zorin os?
Very nice program. But can you add option to show state of Caps lock ON infinite?
Hi jiri, the icon is different when caps is on so this helps know the state all the time. If you mean the on screen msg then it’s possible for it to always appear in the settings.
Hi, Just tried to load your fine app onto a Win 10 Lenovo Laptop. I extracted the files into a file on the desktop but can’t get it to work unless I open the file manually and click on the program file, even then I can’t open any GUI, as in your screenshot, to make adjustments to the icons. I notice you refer to using CCleaner so that your app starts automatically in Windows but can’t see any way to do this as the only options I can see are for removal of broken registry items, programs and the like. Could you please explain how to use CCleaner in order for keyboard indicator to start automatically in Windows and how to open the GUI.
Thanks for your time.
hi richard, to open the settings you can double click on the icon in the tray bar or right click and choose settings.
to start the tool with windows you can use ccleaner Tools->Startup and add an entry there.
Hi, is it possible to change the sound file that is played as it is a disturbing one and will look awkward if use in public.
Can you suggest a method to change it.
I have a Predator17 (windows 10).
If I activate the Shift Lock (for capital letters), how does the keyboard tell me that this Shift Lock key is activated ?
I don’t receive any light- or soundsign.
Thanks a lot.
Sorry Roi,
This application just doesn’t work.
I have a new PC, win 10 pro, on reboot all my settings seem to be there, but there’s no osd.
The app doesn’t start with windows, even though I have a copy of the exe in the startup folder.
There is no sound even though the sound is enabled.
If I fiddle around long enough, I might get lucky and the taskbar indicator comes on. But that doesn’t help me.
I need the osd message in the center of the screen.
If I reset all my settings, I may get lucky and the osd appears.
But on next PC restart, it’s all gone again.
If this was in any way stable, I would use it every day.
But as it is now, it’s just a complete waste of my time.
Please fix and make stable.
Hey Roi!
Thanks for this tiny but very useful utility! Since my Thinkpad’s own software-based indicators stopped working after switching to Windows 10 (no updated win10 soft available), this became the most elegant and non-intrusive way of reclaiming that feature.
However, could you maybe give us the option of choosing which indicators appear in the taskbar? Since I only require the caps-lock indicator, it would greatly reduce the clutter in the notification area.
Again, much obliged!
It doesn’t tell whether insert is on or off, so I still have to fiddle to see that. Not useful for me since I don’t have an insert light and stupid win 10 doesn’t set insert on globally. (One of those win “features” I could do without)
Good job !!!
saves time by avoiding Caps check every time on notepad for passwords/keys.
I like it, but the keyboard I got sucks, so it’s going back….
How do I uninstall it?
Just delete the folder.
Is it possible to install this on a terminal server, so every client automatically uses it?
Thanks very much for this excellent utility! Much better than the Windows 10 Ease of Access equivalent.
I write a great deal of prose and some poetry – three or four hours per day; and am a very bad typist (old journalist style: two hands, two index fingers). So, CapsLock jamming was a constant menace. I think your utility will make sure I know at once the moment CapsLock has been accidentally pressed. The tray icon (red or blue) is a clear indicator. And I have the OSD set huge with near zero opacity. But the best thing is the sound. And, I see this is referred to more than anything else in this thread (which I have just finished reading from start to finish).
I am not a programmer. But, I went to GitHub ( and discovered your sound file is called button-20.wav, which I have downloaded for reference. I am afraid PE Explorer is beyond me. I don’t think I can edit your .exe file and have no idea how to use GitHub, either.
As the sound feature in Keyboard Indicator is so very valuable, would you consider adding the option, to this most useful facility, for the user to mute button-20.wav, which is located within the .exe file (according to GitHub), and then link the software to alternative .wav files from other parts of the computer, one for “ON” and if required a different one for “OFF”?
This would fill a gap in the programme which otherwise is exactly right for the job. For a writer, sometimes working with intensity, to know there’s a problem from one sound, then that the problem has gone from another sound, means that his or her eyes stay concentrated, without maybe fatal distraction from the flow, on the typed word: the task at hand.
Had Keyboard Indicator had a small price tag attached to it, after a trial period, say £$€5-10, I would happily have paid it, as it is (that is, with the sound as it is). So, I am most grateful for the free version, as I am inclined to see it. If you added more sound options, but sought payment for that variant, I am sure you would get it.
Very useful on my Dell laptop which have is no led indicator.
Thanks !
Thanks for all the work bud. Works a treat & now we know what the cap lock is doing.
Why do manufacturer’s / Windows etc not include something like this as standard? Audio beep does not always suffice, especially when you have an ill relative who is not too good on computer’s.
I just heard about “Keyboard Indicator” and had hoped it would solve a long time issue for me – right now it does not, but maybe you can change this in the future:
I do have a Microsoft keyboard where the function keys (F1 – F12) are mapped double. There is a key that toggles from classic “function keys” to “special keys” (e.g. Reply, Forward, Send …).
Unfortunately there is no LED indicating the current status – so I really have to figure out the hard way always in which state the keys are right now …
Would you be able to add this key type to your program to show the state?
I would be able to provide additional information, if you let me know what type of information you need ..
Regards – PeWeis
Where can I find the settings menu (as in the screenshot above )in Windows 10.
Thanks for this easy tool. I do miss the option to change the taskbar icon. I really would like to change this. The icon of the numlock is not a nice one (my apoligies).
Waiting for your response.
Bro…i really wish i met your app years ago….this is just like God Send….
just curious why you didn’t put the update on you upper thread instead…Any way, thanks a lot for this wonderful app… God Bless You.
A bit of request… could you invert your current tray icon Setup? Your inactive coloring scheme is so ***king awesome when combine with Dark Themes, while your active coloring scheme is kinda off with Dark Theme (pink-ish). So instead changing color, just change from “A” to “a”….
I wish you well bro…..and again THANK YOU!!!!
Thanks for the program! Essential and usefull!!
Great little software 🙂
May i suggest than the sounds could be customized so that, for instance, caps lock on and caps lock off don´t have the same sound?
Thank You.
Very good bro. Thx
Hello and thanks for the useful software.
The thing is, I’m using dual monitors and I need the software on my other screen. But I couldn’t find a way to make the indicator display on the other monitor. I can’t drag it either. Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
Thank god for this. Simple and effective fix for keyboards without status LEDs on all relevant keys, which helps determine why Windows has gone into insert/overtype mode because one was in NumLock mode and hit Shift+Zero accidentally, for example. Many thanks!
Download link is broken! 🙁
thanks. fixed. because of browsers blocking http links now. now using https.
Many thanks for your program Keyboard indicator !!!
Only one comment: the back color of the icon when Caps Lock and Caps off is different in order to inform the present condition of the keyboard but the letter “A” appearing on the icon is always written as Capital letter.
May be if, in addition of color changing, the letter on the icon also changes from Capital letter to Lower case the icon indication will result in something even more easy and intuitive (it is not necessary to remember which color correspond each condition).
Thank you again !!!
thanks this is a good idea.
thanks for the suggestion!
Hi, thank you for a great software.
Can you add option to disable individual icons from system tray? Thank you!
Thank you for this, my new laptop doesnt have a light to indicate num lock on or off and was quite aggravating. Saved me the time of programming it myself.
how to uninstall
Hi Tahir,
You just delete it. there is no uninstall process.
I have the same issue as one poster above: While it seems as if the app is activated when I clicked the file KeyboardIndicator.exe, I have no idea how to show Settings. I did not see a response to the earlier question; perhaps now?
Hi Hans,
The settings can be found when you right click on one of the icons in the tray bar. if you don’t see an icon maybe there are collapsed. see example in the screenshot.
I do not see what good Insert is doing, since it is not a toggle in Settings. Every time I click the Insert button, I see “Insert” on the screen, but I have no idea if it is off or on.
Hi Hans,
The is no on/off insert because it’s per application. an application is tracking if it’s in insert mode or replace mode.
So I cannot know/show what is the status.
Hey! This is a very neat piece of software and I’ve found it quite helpful, however I was wondering if you could perhaps add the ability to toggle the extra icons in the task bar on/off, as well as individually changing what keys receive notifications and which do not. Hopefully it is not too much trouble to add these features!
Nice usefull program!
Only the sound makes me jump!
Scratching the blackboard?
Why not a decent ‘ping’?
Soooo many choices of text (some I don’t even understand), and none for the sound…?
De-installed waiting/hoping for a nicer sound ….
Yes I need to add that. For now you can choose to mute the sound and only have the display. Also you can change the sound with a resource editor I think.
@CAS: The source code of this tool is free available at Github.
Download it, change the file “button-20.wav” in
to whatever sound you like to hear and compile it.
A nice to have would be options to disable unneeded tray icons and notifications. I am only interested in Caps Lock notification so the other two icons are just clogging up the taskbar and make it difficult to see the Caps Lock status in an instant.
Can we set our own sound wave to go with the CAPS LOCK and INSERT? The ones that Microsoft provides in Win7 are backwards (LOUD sound for lower case and SOFT sound for UPPER CASE LOCK!). Need to change this.
its currently not possible
Thanks for this little app, the toggle notification works perfectly, unfortunately the app itself (where the settings are), doesn’t launch at all, which means I’m stuck with the default look and sound, which makes my nerves crack.
I have Windows 10, v 22H2.
I cannot get this to be global across all users, even though I’ve requested it on my administrator logon, and set it to start with windows. Surely such a utility should be installed for all, or at least ask the question….
I have to create multiple (up to 30) users, and it will be a pain to have to install it “per user”.
Perhaps I’ve done it wrong …..
Hi, I’m not expert and I’m working in a single user but it could be related to the registry key being used for startup. You can check the source in GitHub.