A new release of very simple sitemap plugin for wordpress.
The only change is the addition of an easy way to exclude pages from sitemap.
A new release of very simple sitemap plugin for wordpress.
The only change is the addition of an easy way to exclude pages from sitemap.
A new release of the facebook events widget for wordpress.
Changes since v1.1.4:
A quick update to let you know there is a new release of the facebook events widget for wordpress
fixing an issue with facebook replying the time of the events in a different format.
New plugin for wordpress to help add youtube videos and even add a time based navigation.
i.e. playlist to jump to specific time in the video.
This is good for example for instruction video with few subjects in it,
so the viewer can easily jump to a specific time for that subject.
Get it here: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/simple-youtube/
And another one.
A very simple google analytics plugin for wordpress.
Just need to set your google analytics ID.